Communication purpose is what the person who made the document is trying to achieve and how they are doing this. For example, in the architectural design leaflet, the communication purpose was to sell their steel framing product. A good way to evaluate how they achieved their communication purpose is by looking at CRAP.
C - Contrast
R - Repetition
A - Alignment
P - Proximity
Contrast is looking at the colour scheme of a document and how the different colours contrast with each other to achieve an effect in the document. In the Clickmedia document, the title scheme of a red background and white text is contrasted with the white background and black text of the paragraphs. This highlights the importance of the titles compared with the text contained within the body paragraphs.
Repetition is when something is repeated for an effect within the document. The red titles are repeated with the same colour scheme and text throughout the document to tie the individual sections of the document together through usage of the same colour scheme repeatedly.
Alignment describes how visual elements of the document are aligned. This is shown by the same 10mm spacing on the left-hand side of each body paragraph. This repetition of spacing links the body paragraphs together and shows that they have the same sort of information within each section.
Proximity is how close together things in the document are spaced. It could be that two images have been placed side by side to show that they are both aiming for the same effect, or that they have been separated to suggest they do not have the same message. In the Clickmedia document, the images on the front cover have been placed directly beside each other to show that they are about the same product.